Thursday, October 4, 2012

Simplify Life #4

This didn't simplify my life while I was doing it, but it sure is nice now! Several months ago, I took the time to create a "Home Management Binder." These have different names, and different methods, all of which are easily found in a Google search. I decided to purchase a HUGE  binder and put everything in it. I took all the papers that were in- or on- my desk (some were in folders already, some just in piles) and looked at what categories I had, which then became the tabs in my binder. Many sites suggested categories, and I took some of their advice, but mainly looked at what I already had. Some tab/category ideas that I took from other sites I have already abandoned, like "Pantry and Freezer Inventory." I faithfully documented everything that was in my pantry and freezer, but then never looked at it again and of course now it's out-of-date. I also got rid of the "To Pay" section since I have a separate clipboard on my desk for bills to be paid. I was afraid if I put them in the binder, they would be out of sight, out of mind. 

I keep the binder on my kitchen desk:

It is big, but everything is one place!! I only keep bill stubs for about 6 months, so that will help keep it from growing too large (she says hopefully!). My categories are: To Do (long term projects, not my daily to-dos) Birthdays  Current Activities (includes things like sports schedules)  Home management (my cleaning schedule and check lists)  To Cook (a week's worth of meals with grocery list that haven't been tried yet)  Town/ Neighborhood Info (recycling info, neighborhood ordinances, etc. )Finances (copies of current credit reports plus our check ledger)  Household services (lawn and bug service)  Pets (vaccine and health records)  Medical/Dental (receipts)  Autos (anything related to our cars including taxes)  Menus (take-out menus)  To Dream and Do (usually magazine articles about things to try)  To Visit (brochures that look interesting or magazine articles)  Fitness and Health (workouts or diets from magazines to try)  Then.... the next several section are for bill stubs, so there's a section for each one, like gas/electric, Internet/phone, mortgage, etc. At the very back is a section for Christmas and one for miscellaneous. Also, the very first thing is a business card holder with business cards and a sheet of all the important phone numbers I need.

Binder resources:
Free Printable Cover/ Back Cover/ Spine label:

Free Printables for use in binder:

The tabs I use (it is MUCH SIMPLER for me to just have write-on ones since figuring out how to print on the tabs is not something I can do in a short amount of time; these are erasable as well so I can change them!):

How it simplifies my life: Everything in one place, can leave it sitting out rather than having folders inside my desk. When I pay bills, I just punch holes and file them after they are paid. 

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