Monday, October 22, 2012

Simplify Life #23

The one where she makes keeping a shower clean easier!
Steps I've taken:
1. Got rid of extra shampoos/ cleansers, etc. This was hard. I love toiletries. The first thing I did in college when I got my own apartment was buy enough shampoo to line the entire bathtub. I'm not kidding. It was fun each day to choose which one to use, but not so fun to clean.Not only do you have to move bottles to clean under them, but they get funky themselves. Also, if you don't have a bathtub, you have to store all those bottles somewhere which makes yet another thing to clean. So, I kept a few shampoo options (how can men limit themselves to one?)but now I don't have one for each day of the week at least! 
2. Got in the habit of using a daily shower cleaner. Not sure it makes much of a difference, but it makes me feel proactive. Here is the one I use:
It's by Method and has ylang ylang. I read a review once that said something to the effect that while they didn't know what ylang ylang was, it probably crawled around and wore diapers. Ha! It does smell like baby powder and is a bit strong. 
3. Made sure hardly anything was stored on the shower floor. It is too hard to keep clean if there are a lot of things that get wet each day and are perfect breeding grounds for mildew. I got a hanging system from Container Store that doesn't even get wet, so no mildew.

See my daily shower cleaner hanging from the bottom? It makes that basket hang askew but nothing falls out. The brush in the top basket is explained below.

4. Implemented the idea from Pinterest of using those fillable kitchen sponges (they sell them at Dollar Tree!) with a mixture of half vinegar, half blue Dawn dish soap. At least once a week, while I am still in the shower, I use it to scrub everything. It is amazingly fast and effective, but the sponge is falling apart rather quickly. No worry; I stocked up from Dollar Tree!
Keep one in the shower filled with a mixture of half vinegar and half Dawn dishsoap. Use it to wipe down the shower while you are in there and your shower will always be clean.  Must try this!
By the way, blue Dawn does seem to be the secret to a lot of life's problems. And blue Dawn really has no substitute. So, my life is easier because one of my most dreaded cleaning jobs, the shower, is simpler! 

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