Friday, October 12, 2012

Simplify Life #13

Still in the closet.... I keep a "Donate" bin right on the floor of my closet. It would look better if the floor is clear, but I don't care. I keep a trash bag in the bin and add clothes. It is bulging right now because I have been organizing and purging like a mad-woman lately (and part of that is further exacerbated by finding out a distant relative was featured on an episode of Hoarders). When it's this full, I try to take it ASAP. Luckily, a Goodwill is merely minutes from my house, and another is minutes from my husband's work, so between us we can usually get it out of the house and to Goodwill quickly. This also goes along with another way I simplify: I don't have garage sales. I just donate. So so much simpler and we make sure to claim it on our taxes. This is possible for me because I have BOYS and they are homeschooled and therefore they do not have expensive clothing. If I was buying expensive clothing, I would hold onto it to consign. (I do hold onto Homeschool books and material and consign that because it has sentimental value. I have a bin in the closet for those things, too!)
This simplifies my life by making it easy to purge the extra clothing. I know once the decision has been made for me to "retire" an article of clothing, I better strike while the iron is hot and get it in a bag and out of sight! (I do not go back through stuff in the bag either!)

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