Thursday, October 17, 2013

The beauty of letters

Recently, a friend of mine moved back to Chicago. I've only known her a few years, but I was immediately drawn to her because she is an extreme extrovert (I am not). I am drawn to honesty, and she laid everything out there from the start. 

I met her in a running group, and found her sobbing in a parking lot after a run one Saturday. She was sad and missing Chicago, but had felt compelled to move to North Carolina. I admired the bravery it took to put behind a life that was comfortable and move to a location where you knew no one. (Again, a quality I was drawn to because it is so different than my qualities.) God created variety, and we are drawn to it, even though it's scary. 

Her moving back hit me harder than I expected. Keeping in touch via e-mail or Facebook  just didn't feel like enough, and I hate to talk on the phone. So, I suggested we write letters. Her first letter arrived in a burst of colors: she had cut out strips from 4 different colored papers and written on each one. One had an update, and others included Bible verses and even lyrics from a Pink Floyd song (again, variety).  It took me over a week to write her back, and when I did, I was taken aback by how difficult it felt. I didn't know what to say, and in a world when a meal is worthy of a status update, much of what I had to say felt trite and boring (mainly because it was). However, it felt like a gift to get a real letter in the mail, and seeing her handwriting felt like really seeing and hearing from HER, the real her. I wanted to continue.

I created a list (somewhat based on the idea of the Homeschool Mother's Journal) to guide me when writing letters. Maybe some of you will decide to bring back letter writing, one letter at a time.

Letter Writing Prompts
(choose a few to answer each letter)

What's been happening lately...

Some advice or a tip I've heard or would like to pass on...

I've learned...

Where I've been....

People I've seen....

My favorite thing lately....

I'm working on this...

A great recipe or meal I've had lately...

I am thankful for...

I want...

A quote or joke to share....

I'm currently reading...

Something I read lately....

This news story has been on my mind...

I'm enjoying watching _____ on TV because....

I'm concerned/anxious/nervous about....

I've been distracted lately by....

A pet peeve of mine...

A small thing that happened lately...

A big think that happened lately...

I wish....

I need to....

I want to....

I am frustrated about....

A Bible verse that spoke to me....

I'm doing well at....

I need to work on...

Something you don't know about me....

A question I'd like answered in general...

A question I'd like answered about you...

Tell me about...

A childhood memory....

My unfinished projects....

I have a block/ have been putting off....

My favorite Bible verse/ story/ lesson....

How I've seen God at work in my life in the past/ now.....

My favorite place(s)....

My family....

Have you seen?

Something I don't like to remember...

An embarrassing moment from the past/ recently.... 

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