Friday, February 24, 2012

Homeschool Mother's Journal 2.24.12

In my life this week....
A little more organized. Trying to follow a local murder trial (I know, morbid) and went to a few hours of testimony yesterday while my dad watched the boys and worked on math with them : ).
In our homeschool this week…
Spent a lot of time talking about the different buildings and exhibits of the World's Fair in Chicago 1893. Looked at Internet sites showing actual photos. My mom gave me a glass that a relative bought and had personalized at the actual fair. My oldest is analyzing the Gettysburg Address for his grammar assignment this week in honor of President's Day.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
When your county has a 2-hour delay, take one for  your homeschool!
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
Just co-op! 
My favorite thing this week was…
Having a glass to show the boys that was at the World's Fair! Had time over the weekend to actually peruse the Internet and find some wonderful free things to use in our homeschool work this week. Takes a lot of time; wish I could do this more often. There are so many wonderful homeschool blogs and so many teachers sharing free and inexpensive curriculum and activities.
What’s working/not working for us…
Math. I am having worry build up within me that this alone may derail the good intentions of homeschooling. My youngest can do it but complains if it's anything he can't do in his head. He is lazy and long division has a lot of steps! I have him write "DMSB" (Does McDonalds Sell Burgers) to help him remember the steps. I got this from a video I found of a 4th grade teacher teaching her class.
Questions/thoughts I have…
Mulling over curriculum for next year. It is always overwhelming.
I’m reading…
Made to Crave by Lysa Teurkerst for my co-op class.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Visit the World's Fair!! Of the 200 buildings constructed, ONLY ONE is still standing. Amazing architecture but build of plaster-of-paris : (

Friday, February 3, 2012

Homeschool Mother's Journal 2.3.12

The Homeschool Mother's Journal
In my life this week… Main goal met: cleaned hardwoods. All of them. Very well. My son was playing with a flashlight in the dark dining room one night and discovered you could see all the cat hair on the floor when you put the flashlight on the floor. I thought I was keeping up with things. I wasn't.  You know how in those crime shows Luminol can make a seemingly perfectly clean room light up to show where blood was? That's what a flashlight does for hardwoods. They look spic and span with lights on, but wait until you illuminate them with a flashlight.... every bit of dust, hair and even the scratches will be clear as day. Horrifying.
In our homeschool this week…Learning about homesteading and reading Little Town on the Prairie. No one is asking to quit this book.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…Letting the boys do grammar together accomplishes two things: my youngest hears a voice other than mine and my oldest is forced to review the material. I also sometimes let them give each other their spelling quizzes. 
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…We started back at our co-op. The oldest is doing Physical Science (labs!) and Programming. The youngest is taking an art class and one on Space. I love that they will get exposure to these subjects from someone who is not me!
Questions/thoughts I have… I would have LOVED LOVED LOVED to teach in a one-room schoolhouse.
Things I’m working on…I need to do more in every area of my life (except eating.)
I’m grateful for…beautiful weather. Homeschool blogs. Pinterest. 
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
If you homeschool, you have to check out :
One of my faves:
by Anne H.