Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My husband is off of work, so I'm sure you can guess where he is. At work. He took the kids to the Lego store this morning so we are doing our schoolwork in the afternoon. Luckily the boys got right to work proving they can handle a disruption on their schedule. If we're going to homeschool, at least we can take advantage of the flexibility in schedule.

Joel said school was depressing today because he had to make cards about extinct and endangered animals. It is actually quite sad. We learned the Carolina Parakeet, the only native parrot for N. America, is extinct.

We made a pocket to keep Joel's Endangered/ Extinct animal cards in his science notebook.
I have already burned through an ink cartridge. This will get expensive if I keep on this way! I try to print off everything with the hopes I can either resell my books or lend them to my sister-in-law or another homeschooler. I am going to try an experiment: placing the math sheet originals in a page protector and having them complete the problems with an overhead projector pen. Then I can grade it and erase and slip the new sheet in. This could either be a great idea or one that will challenge my flimsy grasp on sanity. We'll see!!

Page protector, overhead pen for "save paper" math experiment. Also, another binder ring flip book, this time with the "5" multiplication flashcards for Joel. It's easier to go through flash cards if they are on a binder ring. Have I mentioned how much I love them? I use them to save Christmas cards by year (punch holes in the top corner of the cards, you'll still be able to read the inside and everything!), and to make Christmas ornaments out of photos.

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