Joel putting together a US puzzle as part of his US Geography center. I am using the lids from plastic bins for the centers because they can easily be slid under the couch put away! I am trying not to have homeschooling materials take over the entire downstairs but am only somewhat succeeding. |
FROM MOM: We will have a 2-hr. delay on Mondays and skip Reading/ Writing Workshop. Today is the first day the kids have had separate grammar and science lessons, and Joel also got to start his United States Geography center. I am making some progress. I still want to implement typing and Spanish, but not have the days be too long. I love how quiet the house is during homeschool!
Jason and Joel (below) are making little flip books using binder rings. They have their vocabulary words on one side and the definition on the other. Jason is writing in his definitions; I typed up Joel's using a flashcard maker I found on Scholastic.com. This site has a ton of things to use, including lesson plans! Joel also needs practice using scissors so he cut his cards out as part of his work today. The vocabulary words come from the novels they are studying (Jason: To Kill a Mockingbird, Joel: How to eat Fried Worms) |

In science I just went over the beginnings of science. In social studies I reviewed landforms. Grammar had a pretest. In animation, I finished my model in LeoCad, which took about half an hour. Then I exported it in about five minutes. Then I had to import it onto Blender, which took about half an hour.
I have figured out how to get this blog without going down my old emails. I have some wonderful maps of the u.s. that I hope to remember to give to Joel.