Thursday, September 23, 2010


Mommy's day: Still having to take this slowly because honestly I haven't had the time/ energy/ mental clarity to learn all I need to know about some parts of the curriculum to implement it. We are taking our lunch/ free time break now from 12 until 1, and then we will do reading/ writing workshop. The boys did well with using the Workbox System (by Sue Patrick). I spent a lot of money on the Math U See curriculum, but am glad I did because it includes a DVD where a competent person teaches them each lesson. The lessons are quick, they can use the math blocks that come with the system, and the instructor is male so they won't always be just listening to my (female) voice.

Math Center manipulatives

Joel doing his Math practice after watching lesson

The Social Studies book that Jason is using includes access to an online site where he can do charts/ graphic organizers online and then print them out. It even adds his name and date.
Jason reading from SS book

Printing out graphic organizer

Joel's Social Studies: file folder center on US map

  Jason spray painted a back drop to use in his animation video and then taught Joel a drawing lesson. Today had lots of good quiet work time (and lots of review) but I do think when they are doing all the subjects it will seem like a long day. I hope they adjust. I have a lot of work ahead of me.

FROM JASON: (not a man of many words.... yet)
Animation is not going so well. I have a computer animation program that is impossible to figure out even with how to videos explaining it. There is also a program that allows you to build legos with computer animation then export it to the above program. That will not work because every time I try to open it, it makes me download it. On a good note the other subjects are going well.

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