Friday, March 30, 2012

3.30.12 Quick notes

We are taking our spring break next week and I am very ready! We have had school for 7 straight weeks. We usually only go 3-4 and then take a one week break. Just like last year, I have one foot firmly planted into our next school year when both should be in the here and now. I spend hours researching curriculum. I bit the bullet and purchased Winter Promise Quest for the Ancient World. They have added a lot more downloadable content and are not including as many books in their packages so you can buy them on your own. This should hopefully mean that I can get most of my curriculum in a timely fashion. (The biggest complaint I see on message boards about Winter Promise is that it can take months to get all of your materials.) I have already downloaded a lot of material for my rising 5th grader and could not be more happy with my decision! I also purchased Rosetta Stone homeschool. Another big decision: I am switching math curriculums. I really really like Math-U-See but my boys complain so much that I figure I might as well try something different. I think it's the subject and not Math-U-See that is the problem but it's worth a try. My oldest learned his latest material by using Kahn Academy after failing to learn it with the MUS DVD.

In our homeschool this week, we talked a lot about Alaska for our states study. The Trans-Alaskan pipeline is an amazing accomplishment, but it seems so odd to have such a blatant man-made item against the serene back drop that is Alaska. See for yourself:

In history, we learned more about the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps, part of the New Deal). We learned a lot about the Golden Gate Bridge and how it was built (cost 35 million dollars and 11 men died, which is actually a small number because the general rule was one man usually died per million dollars spent on a project of that magnitude).

On a personal note,  I have successfully memorized the entire first chapter of the book of James for the study we are doing in my Sunday School class. It hurts my brain but it is good for me. I have spent  hours on the computer looking at curriculum. It is like a black hole! On Sundays I don't get on the computer at all and it is a relief.

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