Thursday, September 30, 2010


I purposely planned a short day for today; we finished by 11:30. I was hoping to get plugged into the homeschooling group at my church, and I thought they had open gym hours on Thursdays, but no one was there. It's possible we got there too early but I didn't want to wait around. We went to Kroger because I actually made out a grocery list for dinners and lunches next week! (As an aside, my new favorite website is, which makes it a breeze to make out a grocery list. It automatically catogorizes your items by section of the store. Love it!) I forgot how much I dislike shopping with the boys, but did use it as an opportunity to test Joel on some math facts in the produce section (if limes are 5 for $1, how much are they each?) I lucked out in that one of Jason's friends was there and the boys hung out with him for awhile leaving me in blissful silence. I also miss the freedom of being able to walk to my van without having to worry about the safety of two boys who aren't always paying attention.

Joel is VERY SELF-CONSCIOUS about being out and about during the day. I've tried to tell him that people that actually give a darn assume that either he is homeschooled or on year-round (and hello? there were a lot of kids out today shopping!). Still, on the way to Kroger he told me he was going to pretend to be sick. So he coughed a few times on purpose in the parking lot. Honestly I think most people would notice/ care more about me dragging a kid with TB around than someone missing school!!

Joel said something funny yesterday too which at first struck fear in my heart: "Mommy, do we have one of those signs that says 'Caution: Wet Floor'"? Turns out a bottle of rubbing alcohol had fallen in the laundry room and spilled a little. (It had been on top of the refrigerator...)

Also took the boys to Target and then to Borders to buy books as their consolation prize for not having any fun today. Joel picked out another bird book; he is obsessed with birds, especially vultures. (Have I mentioned his science curriculum includes birds :)) I swear, this homeschooling is going to suck up all my money and time. It's all worth it.

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