So here it is, A-I of our morning homeschool group time:
A= attendance. I keep forgetting to take attendance, and then have to go back and figure out which days we held school to finalize my records. I am marking my state-required chart as we go this year! (She types hopefully).
B= Bible. We are going to start the Bible Road Trip free online curriculum ( We will begin with Year One, Week One, the dialectic level. This is a 3-year curriculum, complete with free printables. It is short and sweet. We will also memorize a Bible verse each week. I am using this form to plan and keep track of what we will memorize:
I also will use the Charlotte Mason Scripture Memory system:
I've already printed out all the information from this site and set up our index card system. Additionally, I got this book for free for my Kindle (it is currently $3):
This has been a terrific read and I can't recommend it enough. It has suggested verses (100 of course) at the end, which I will use when we run out of ones I've already picked as being relevant to us.
C= Current Events- maybe CNN Student News or Channel One News. I haven't used CNN, and it's been awhile since we've done Channel One, but I think we need to do more current events. We also may just look at some online headlines and discuss them. Links to the news programs mentioned:
D= Drawing. We will do a quick draw each morning. I got this Kindle book when it was free:
We will do one drawing from this (me on the white board and the boys in a blank book), or draw something related to what we are studying (a free-style, on your own drawing). I also got this book that correlates with our history curriculum, which we will do as the topics come up in their studies:
E= Encouragement. We will sometimes just discuss how things are going in our homeschool, or read the day's devotional from Jesus Calling.
F= Five-minute writing. (Can you tell I'm trying to get more right-brained activities into our school day?) I will pick a random topic from this book:
We will each write about the topic and then share.
G=Geography and Grammar. I really enjoyed teaching geography when I taught in public schools, and I think my boys need more of it. I will use resources I used in the classroom, as well as follow this curriculum:
I also downloaded the notebooking resources that go along with it, and purchased the purple classroom atlas. We are doing the middle level (it includes 3 levels).
For grammar, I am using Easy Grammar for both boys (each at their own level). I will have the boys complete it on their own, and then check it and give feedback immediately.
H= History Novels. I like when we are all together, reading. The boys will read from the novel they are currently assigned (I use novels that correspond to their history), and I will read whatever I want!! Yippee! Maybe I'll actually read some of those Kindle books!!
I= Independent Work. This is when the boys finish our group time and begin their boxes. Morning work should only take 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes. Since we start at 10 AM, they should be able to finish a few boxes before taking their lunch break at noon.
I dream, and plan, big. I hope I can maintain this schedule, which came about after some soul-searching about what was really important to me in our homeschool.
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