Saturday, April 9, 2011

Homeschool this week April 9, 2011

Now that I feel like we are coasting to the end of our school year, I am hoping to blog a bit more!! I am finally feeling in a place where homeschooling isn't all I do, yet that we are doing "enough." I am glad I went to the Southeast Homeschool Convention in March. It motivated me and helped shape my curriculum choices for next year. I found a great journal template (site link below) that I think would be a great thing to try and fill out each week. We shall see if I can stick with it; I think my motivation and discipline for nearly all things are leaking away (and not even slowly~ they're just gone.)

In my life this week…
I am trying to get my home ready to put on the market. I thought I was a fairly organized/ neat housekeeper. Having to examine each room under a microscope has made me think otherwise. As I said on Facebook one day, I have Goodwill and the local landfill on speed drive!
In our homeschool this week…
We did not do writing workshop. Ugh. It's my favorite thing but always gets put on the back burner. Next year, I'm making it a box instead of a group activity. I am so distracted by moving, organizing, and a local murder trial that I let it slide. Everything else is going well though.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
We rarely leave home : (. I did enjoy meeting three of my high school friends for dinner on Thursday!! It's so nice to get away from my life for awhile. I appreciate it when I return.
My favorite thing this week was…
Both boys ended up doing extra reading on some days because they didn't want to stop. Joel brought out his text book (this actually was last week I think) to show some of his friends what he's learning about in science.
What’s working/not working for us…
Me being distracted by other things and not putting homeschooling first. Joel is also freaking out in math again due to 3 digit by 3 digit multiplication. I am only having him do about 5 problems a day and I use the (small) whiteboard to show him the steps when needed.
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have…
Thanks to the house business and trial, I have apparently put my obsession with next year's curriculum on hold. I am generally happy with my choices so it's time to STOP obsessing. (Right??!)
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
"Be satisfied with what is and eager for what's coming."